Хятадын хувьд Төвдийг 13-р зуунаас хойш Хятадын нэг хэсэг байсан гэж зүтгэдэг ч үнэн хэрэгтээ Төвдийг Монголчууд 13-р зуунд, Манжууд 18-р зуунд эзэлсэн гээд аль аль үндэстэн нь Хятадаас огт өөр юм гэдэг дээр бүгд санал нийлсэн байх юм.
Төвдийн тусгаар тогтнолын түлхүүр түүхийн үнэнд байгаа учир дэлхий нийтэд ухуулж ойлгуулах нь тэмцэгчдийн гол зорилго байх ёстой гэж блогийг бичигч нь үзжээ.
"The most clear-cut answer to why Tibet was an independent country, all three men agreed, was that while it was true that Tibet was occupied and invaded several times, it was never by the Chinese. China says that they have ruled the region since the 1200s, but in the 1200s, it was the Mongols who invaded. The Tibetans entered into a “priest-patron” relationship with the Mongols, although the scholars argued as to the extent. Elliot said that while that relationship existed, it was in reality complete domination, where as Laird said it wasn’t.
Later in the 1700s, the Qing dynasty took over Tibet, but once again, the Qing dynasty was Manchu, or from Manchuria, and not Chinese. Laird and Thurman both said that it was very clear to them the Manchus were not Chinese, and that the Chinese actually hated the Manchus. This dynasty abdicated in 1912, when the Republic of China was formed. That same year, Chinese troops in Tibet ceded and left the country, and the 13th Dalai Lama proclaimed independence.
The point of contention is where China says that they have ruled over Tibet for 800 years. The problem with their argument is that neither Mongolians nor Manchus are ethnically Chinese, and have never been, so to say that Tibet has been part of China for that long is a complete farce, unless Western Europe and the Middle East are also counted as part of China now. The Mongols, as you may know, had the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world."
Хятадыг эсэргүүцдэг Энэтхэг залуугийн блогоос олж уншив.
Ene zurag chini ih taalagdaj baina, haanaas awsanaa durdaad awlaa shuu, hu.
Өө википедиа дээр ч гэсэн байдаг шүү дээ Арсун ахаа. Та дураараа авч хэрэглэж болно
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